We all know “New Year, New Me” is a load of bollocks and we’ll all have cancelled our gym memberships, be eating far too much chocolate and have slipped back into the clutches of social media before we even know it. However, when you accept that this is okay and that it’s okay to fail you’ll be in for way more of a fun time then when you were putting unnecessary pressure on yourself.
One of the biggest things that I learnt from 2017 is that life is completely crazy, in both bad ways and good, but knowing this is key and not dwelling on the things that suck can help you make the good things come to light. I’ve also learnt that knowing yourself can be one of the most important things in life. No comparisons. Just pushing your own ideas and making sure that you’re doing the best you possibly can.

Velvet Floral Blazer and Velvet Floral Trousers, Boden*
Just before my turning point in 2017, I felt things were changing. Honestly, I really had a shit second quarter and the only way really was up. However, I could literally feel something positive was going to happen and I channelled all my energy into giving good energy vibes to the universe. No more moaning about work things gone wrong, getting angry by slow tourists or getting petty over things on social media. Basically, NO MORE NEGATIVITY.
You may remember my Summer goals post back in July. I did this because I was feeling at my absolute lowest and I needed to get back into some kind of action. I can probably say I’ve only achieved 50% of these goals, but as I mentioned at the beginning of this post, that’s really okay.
Some of the things that helped me along the way were writing in a gratitude journal (thank you Patternity) and I also had the pleasure of attending a workshop (with Amara and Humanscale) that focused on wellbeing sessions from specialists from the areas of kinesiology and craniosacral therapy. I’d been practising a little bit of meditation every day which helped me get in the spirit and while I can firmly say this hasn’t turned me into a hippy; it has taught me how to take just five minutes of silent contemplation each day, in turn helping me sleep better and focus my mind more easily.

Velvet Floral Blazer and Velvet Floral Trousers, Boden*, New Desert Blues Band T-Shirt, Freedom To Exist Watch
One of the other seriously good aspects of the Wellbeing workshop was a chance to have an aura and chakra photography session. I’d literally never heard of this before but was totally up for something new and the chance to compare my results with fellow bloggers. The build-up was actually a little scary – while I’m a lover of black I wasn’t quite ready to come out with an aura made of the dark stuff. You can guess where I’m going with this and if you’re REALLY savvy, you may have also guessed the colour of my aura.
the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place.
I can honestly say that I’ve never really believed in chakras and auras. Or just not cared to really investigate. But the results of my aura just came back so on point for what I was feeling and Bipin who carried it out literally didn’t ask me a single question about my life (where I was sceptical about one of the treatment specialists that did).
The process involves a unique imaging system called Winaura 6.2 which shows the colours of an aura around a person in real time. I simply sat in front of the screen, placed my hand on a hand plate and frequencies were read which change in relation to emotional, mental or physical fluctuations. Right, can you guess what colour/colours I created?

Velvet Floral Blazer and Velvet Floral Trousers, Boden*
There’s way more to it than just a simple paragraph as below – try a 17-page report on every element of your body actually – but I really wanted to share my ‘Crown’ result which summarizes your total energy state. When we are experiencing changes, colours in our energy field will fluctuate wildly. However, colours in the crown chakra will reflect our resonant colour. And here’s what I got…
Red is the colour of power, high energy and leadership. Orange is a mixture of active red and intellectual yellow, a colour that indicates originality and independence. The mix of red and orange indicates powerful self expression. Be prepared for an inspired time in your life in which you dive headfirst into your creative activities and endeavours. A dynamic, exciting, and creative time is ahead of you. You will feel the confidence and personal power to begin and complete projects which interest you.
And just one short month later was when that change I felt on the horizon happened. And while the above may sound a little broad, I can confirm that there was more to it and every blogger involved was super impressed with how accurate they felt their readings were. Sometimes I think you really do just have to put out what you want into the universe. My pal Sarah Akwsiombe is a great example of someone who gets what she wants from writing down and envisioning her goals.
I guess what I’m trying to say in this very unstructured ramble is that 2018, I’m coming for ya and while I’m not going to be sharing my ambitions for the future on here right now, I’m going to be bringing the best of original content, self-expression, positivity, creativity and EJP-suit-finding-knowledge to the table. Thanks for sticking with me, supporting me and hit me up if you need help getting out of a funk. I’m a real pro now.